Thank you so much for choosing The Vanity Movement. Your safety and wellness is of my utmost concern. Here is some housekeeping to keep in mind so I can continue to provide you with safe, quality services.


  • Please wear a protective mask to your appointment. I will have on a mask as well.
  • Please reschedule your appointment if you have a fever or feel unwell.
  • Please practice routine hand washing using soap and water prior to your appointment. I will offer hand sanitizer upon entering the treatment room.
  • Upon arrival for your appointment I ask that you check-in by calling 314.203.1205 and wait in your car until contacted to enter.
  • I will be practicing Missouri regulated sanitations and precautions after each and every client.
  • Please maintain social distancing from other people in the building when possible.
  • As much as I love personal touch, I will be avoiding hugging and embracing for your safety.
  • Please ask in advance about any extra guests that will accompany you to your appointment.
  • If you have any flu/cold like symptoms or have been in contact with anyone who has been ill, I ask that you delay your visit and reschedule for a later date.


I understand that some of these precautions appear strict, but they are in place for your best interest. As time progresses, I hope to relax them, especially the hugs. Thanks in advance for understanding.